Our expertise and experience make your ideas happen


We provide professional solutions for your project from the idea, through managing and monitoring to the final constructional conclusion

  • - Defining the project assessment and following phases
  • - Elaboration of project documentation, managment of administrative procedures, coordination during construction phase
  • - Engineering and coordination of design group during designing process
  • - Engineering and coordination of investment during construction phase
  • - Project financial and time management


Supervision of construction and technology work, building installations and craft work

Construction financial and time management


Optimization of economic and time schedule processes

Remedial actions within the warranty period of civil engineering constructions

Svetovanje za optimalnejše tehnične rešitev v smislu zmanjšanja finančnega vložka in hitrejšega vodenja upravnih postopkov.

Technical design solutions for cost effective and faster administrative procedures


Our experienced team, in collaboration with contractors, realises investor's idea from idea to the door key. We do management of design documents, administrative procedures, building permits, consulting before and during construction works and supervision of construction works.

M.Sc. Andrej Sedej
IZS G-2818
Maca Uhliř
IZS G-3145
Jožica Škraba


Načrti zunanjih ureditev

  • - Industrijska hala Sterk Komenda
  • - Polnilnica za električna vozila Radovljica
  • - Dom starejših občanov Radovljica
  • - Industrijska hala Burjaplast Komenda
  • - Industrijska hala Sterk Komenda
  • - Industrijska cona OLMA
  • - Dvojček Junkar

Celotni projekti - visokogradnja

  • - Gospodarska lopa Šobec
  • - Nadstrešnica S4 Šobec
  • - Sanacija objekta Čičare
  • - 4 dvojčki Ježica
  • - 4 dvostanovanjski objekti

Celotni projekti - nizkogradnja

  • - Pešpot in infrastruktura na Cesti svobode v Radovljici
  • - Ureditev prometa pešcev in kolesarjev na Kranjski in Gorenjski cesti v Radovljici
  • - Rekonstrukcija Gorenjske cese od križišča z Ulico Staneta Žagarja do krožišča s cesto proti Kropi
  • - Infrastruktura za pešce Hlebce
  • - Rekonstrukcija lokalne ceste na Mišačah, spremljajoča infrastruktura, hidrotehnične ureditve, geomehanske ureditve
  • - Meteorna kanalizacija Spodnje Lancovo